Rays of Sunshine

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Last Saturday, April 28th I babysat Kameron all day long by myself! Believe it or not, it was the first time I babysat an infant by myself. We had a good day with no major disasters! One minor disaster- the dogs ate a lot of sugar.

My brother and Kristi have two pet dachsunds, Bailey and Ginger. They get into everything (as pets tend to do). At one point Kameron got the hiccups, and I called my mom to find out what to do. She said "Put some sugar on his pacifier and let him suck it, that will cure the hiccups." I poured way too much sugar into a bowl and set it down on the side table next to the couch in order to dip the pacifier into it. sure enough, the sugar worked like a charm, Kam stopped hiccuping.

So after a diaper change, being rocked, etc... maybe an hour later I looked back at the sugar bowl, still on the side table, and found it had gone from full to empty. It was the mongrels! I looked around and found them both sound asleep on the couch, probably passed out from a sugar coma! Oh well, hopefully they'll be allright!


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